Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fear, Progression, and Time

What I learned in Northern Ireland has enabled me to understand the Scott Walker era in Wisconsin.

When those who have power fear that they're losing it, they do crazy things. This is often the catalyst for conflict throughout the globe. They've already lost. No generation behind them will support their politics in this increasingly connected world. Zuckerberg ought to be given a Nobel Peace Prize--I mean, facebook has toppled despotic regimes and enabled movements which are truly grassroots, like the "occupy" movements.

The Tea Party, conversely, is a puppet organization run with intentionally vague leadership structures, but funded by well-organized financial backers--who have increasingly more destructive intentions for our economic future. They want to keep what they've gleaned unfairly and unjustly, and create a permanent majority which will enable them to keep their dissipating power. We're losing some battles versus this well-funded machine, but we will never lose the war. They're assuring it by their lack of introspection.

This may be their day, and we'll suffer the fears and consequences of the assaults of these cowards who think they're heroes. But the radical right is alienating people, and it is not easily justified to the young.

So even though they legislate to change the rules, break the law, and try to mitigate the shifting tide of opinion among the generations who are younger than them, they will not prevail. Our younger generations are more peaceful, less truncated, and more globally connected, and thus, more progressive.

It is time which is our biggest ally. The world is a more peaceful one right now than it has been, largely due to the efforts of the same U.N. which is demonized by the same. The meek ARE getting ready to prevail, and we will, in time.