Friday, December 14, 2012

First Speedbump in Juice Fast

I caved. Yeah. And not for something worthwhile.

It was for Pizza Hut Pizza left over from last night's work party. Terrible stuff... but in my hunger state, almost irresistible to me. I love salty, savory crap.

I was fine with all the Christmas cookies and candy out on the table in the mailroom. I even reorganized the stuff and neatly set out plates for the masses. I used to find that stuff magnetic--but not today.

I drank my juice and was fine until someone came in and said, "Guess what?" "There's pizza left over!"

It was only an hour later that I caved.

I won't be the end for me. I'm back on the juicing again, now hoping to detox AGAIN.

I'll bet that I feel some side effects from eating this pseudo-food as my first solid stuff for days.

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