Saturday, April 9, 2011

Waukesha Election Fraud Musings

There should be no such thing as "human error" in U.S. elections, at least not by election officials which leads to a city's votes going missing for two days.

There should be no human hands involved after the ballot leaves the voters hand.

I mean, I could have falsified 14,000 paper ballots to back up the digital file she said she had simply forgotten to "send". And she's an IT expert with 15 years of experience? I mean she's certainly capable of altering the record and covering her tracks, and she's more than experienced enough to not make this level of "mistake". 

Did she get a confirmation number? Aren't there failsafe measures? Checkpoints?

How can a person who lost her state job for fraud in 2002 win an election weeks later as County Clerk? 

What are the criminal charges which someone who keeps election records on a personal computer should face? Shouldn't she do hard jail time?

And how is it that the most Republican county in the state suddenly finds 7,500 votes for the candidate who lost the most hotly contested state supreme court race in history, where the Koch brothers had given massive amounts of dollars (3-1) to win and get total GOP control. The fact that without the win by the GOP candidate the Governor's plans and attacks on state employees would likely be failed ones, and result in legal action against him and his administration is palpable.

It seemed like Walker had little concern about breaking civil service, legislative, and state laws because he knew that if it reached the state supreme court that he had a majority there. That's why Prosser has to be inserted into office at all costs... and that's why the GOP is committing fraud at this level.

The truly tragic thing about this is that the Governor will ignore the 750,000 votes cast for Kloppenburg if she's deemed the loser. He's already said that this was a Madison versus the rest of the state contest, dismissing the result for Kloppenburg as the fact that Madison had such a large turnout--a dismissive way to ignore the massive shift in votes throughout the rest of the state... remember, Prosser won with over 95% of the votes the last time he ran. 

Seriously, when the GOP commits fraud it's impressively large. Meanwhile, they'll bitterly argue that there is rampant fraud in Milwaukee County because three felons tried to vote and were turned away.

Well, the recalls are coming. 

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